“Sankalp Yoga® Studio based in Bangalore, India is a trailblazer in seamlessly applying the ancient healing techniques of Yoga to the physiological challenges faced due to the current sedentary lifestyle.“
The whole vision of this unique studio has arisen from the founder’s (Summa Ramesh) personal story and her own fight with complicated health condition. Summa deeply believes in ‘The Power of Intention’ and has designed all her therapies and workshops drawing strength from the universal force. She believes in a mentor-mentee relationship and empowers her clients to take their healing in their own hands.
Summa is extremely patient and empathetic approach guarantees that no kind of force is used on her clients. She lets the client’s body decide the course and her unconditional acceptance of the same delivers results beyond measure.
At Sankalp Yoga Shala, Yoga is taught in the way following the “Mysore Style of Yoga”
The class is ‘Responsive’ to the needs of the student.
Each student gets Individual Attention and Personal Yoga Plan.
Specific Treatment for Specific Diseases.
Sankalp Yoga® lay its foundation with very humble beginnings in a friend’s home and today has around 100 students being trained, mentored and healed by Summa everyday.
She has done various workshops both indigenously in (Bangalore, Mysore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata) and Internationally (Egypt, Dubai, Singapore). Summa herself is undergoing continuing education to expand her knowledge and increase her healing success.
She is now being invited to train yoga teachers (check out our Yoga TTC programs) on her style of healing and help them understand the process behind designing custom therapy plans for individual clients. Summa can recall every single case she has ever handled with utmost precision.
When asked about her sharp memory she reveals a technique which she insists every therapist should follow. She calls it the ‘Art of Compartmentalisation’.


Summa’s encounter with Yoga
Summa’s journey with yoga and healing started somewhere at the age of 14 when she hit puberty and had an ovarian rupture which occurs 1 in a lakh. Her left ovary was removed and the doctors told that she would hit her menopause at a really young age.
Determined to find a cure, she turned to the ancient Indian healing techniques of yoga but wherever she went she found group classes which taught general yoga. Pivoting her search to find a cure to her specific condition she toured the length and breadth of the country meeting various yogis and learning from different yoga ashrams. After a long struggle she was finally able to cure her condition and has naturally given birth to a son and a daughter.
Turning Point – Igniting the guru within
This journey of search and study triggered something within her and she started her first practice of yoga as a teacher with her mentor Devashree at Atma Darshan for 5 years. She did her first TTC course of 2 years here. She then moved to Vedic Treat under Dr. Sanjeev Nayank where she learnt how to use Ayurveda and Yoga to cure various diseases. Expanding her capabilities, she then worked at a clinic with Dr. Mirza learning to infuse Naturopathy with Yoga as a tool for healing.
Letting the universe decide the course for her, Summa found herself doing the Teachers Training for Hatha Yoga under Bharat Shetty Sir in Mysore. Having learnt various ancient techniques and fusing them with one another, Summa’s journey was put together when her most remarkable mentor, Elli and Maheshchandra from Abignya School of Yoga, Varkala sparked the Teacher in her and motivated her to spread her wings and begin Sankalp Yoga.
She also completed her 300 hrs Ashtanga Yoga under Soham Guruji and is trained as a specialist of Mysore style of yoga therapy under Srimati and Ravi Sir of Krishnamacharya Mandiram, Chennai.
Summa’s Certifications and Trainings